Sunday, September 4, 2016

First day at boarding school

I'm all excited it's the start of the new school year today. I think Grandma was also excited and proud. My school, which is also Dad's old school, is two hours drive from London. Dad drove. Before we went to the school, we stopped off at the Queen's Hotel, where we met up with Debs and James – longtime friends of Dad who agreed to be my guardians. Dad says that I will be spending some exeats and term breaks with them.
Grandma, me, Dad, James and Debs, in front of the Queen's Hotel.
I'm in Dad's old boarding house too! There are ten boys in my year, and I share my dormitory with four others. I never liked sharing a room, so I'm going to hate this! I just hope they don't stay up all night talking, and that none of them snores!
My cohort, in front of our boarding house

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