Monday, October 31, 2005


We celebrated Halloween at home and at school. Gugu Big took us to a Pumpkin Festival at the HK Island School last Saturday where I had my picture taken with pumpkins, scarecrow and a ghost. Gugu took me for a ride on a tradition rickshaw, I loved it so much I had four goes! On Halloween day itself, we wore fancy dress to school. I dressed up as a little devil with my hat and pitchfork and my classmates came as an angel, Superman, Spiderman and lots of other characters.

I took the cue from Halloween and decided to adopt some aliases of my own so I can blame another child when I misbehaved. I answered to Marvin (my best friend at school), August and Buddy. The grown-ups were so tickled by this development that I got away with lots of unsociable behaviour.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Speed demon

Wow! I have been so busy! Grandma and Grandpa were away on holiday for most of the month so Sai Gugu was in charge of looking after me, Papa and Big. The weather has started to cool so we were able to get out and about more. We went to Beas River Country Club with Auntie Susan, twins Austin & Mason and my big tricycle. It was my first time cycling outdoors - Sai Gugu said I broke the speed limit ;-)