Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cabin fever

School's out. We've been off school since 12 June because of the swine flu. Fortunately, we still have swimming and Kids' Gallery until the end of June; we also have visitors - Mommy's friend Shao Hui and her children Romain and Lucie. We went to Ocean Park together.

After Romain and Lucie left, we had a play date with Marco at his house in Fotan on Tuesday. The next Tuesday, Mummy took us to Disneyland. We met up with Bendu, his brothers and his mummy.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Bug's Life

Program with credit
Tonight, I made my acting debut at the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts. I was in a Kids' Gallery production of A Bug's Life, as part of Musical Drama.
Me in a purple ladybug costume

I had a small part, playing a 'Lively Ladybug'. Mummy and Papa, Grandma and the Gugus were all there to see me.

Us Ladybugs danced and traipsed around on the stage, and  we also got to speak a few words. We all got to imitate our favourite animal. I said I was a snake, and writhed around on the stage, and the audience laughed.