Wednesday, March 9, 2005

New words

My language development is progressing, new words are coming thick and fast. As I am now officially 2 years old, so I learned to say 'two' and 'deux'. Papa says I'm not a baby anymore, but I still mostly refer to myself as Baby, or Booboo [Bear], as Papa likes to call me.

Weeks ago, I said my first two-syllable words "turtle" and "hello". Now I can use two words together, which I usually use to indicate possessions or to ask for something. A current favourite word is "non", which I now use routinely and emphatically like a little Charles de Gaulle. I also learned to say 'Gordon'. Gugu was so impressed she rushed out to get him for my collection :-) I now like to run Gordon under bridges, or even better to attach my magnetic trains to metallic objects.

Since last week, I get given fresh cow's milk to drink now instead of formula; Little Gugu reports that I am another centimetre taller, at 90cm. She has it marked on a wall-chart :-)).

The weather's been a lot better again, so I've been going out more often to the park to play. Gugu took me swimming today instead of Papa, but she says I should feel more comortable with her next time.