Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bunk bed

I have a throat infection, so I'm off school yesterday and today. I missed swimming, and stayed at home; I watched 宝葫芦的秘密 (The Secret of the Magic Gourd) twice yesterday. I called the film "The Little Peanut".

I was a bit bored today, so I asked to take Duncan to the YMCA in the morning. In the afternoon, two huge boxes were delivered. Mummy said my it was my bunk bed, Papa would set it up when he got home. I watched "The Little Peanut" again tonight.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Egg custard tarts

This afternoon after lunch of pasta, I went down to the clubhouse to make egg custard tarts.

Papa said mine were "perfect", better than those from Tai Cheong Bakery (泰昌餅家) :-)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

School outing

Today Mummy and Papa took me on a school outing. In the morning, we went to Pak Tam Chung Park (北潭涌). Me and my friends had a buffet lunch together at a hotel, and we went to the Science Park after lunch.

Back row L->R Me, Lincoln, Miss Li, Wu Han Lin, Ms Qiu, ? Tyler
Front row L->R Brian, Sum Yuen

group photos are boring

After the school trip Papa took me to Ikea for the bunk bed he promised me:-) We also had dinner there. Papa let me eat a cheesecake and a hot dog.

I took this picture of an Ikea delivery van

I liked this pretty horse outside the shop and asked Papa to take my photo

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Teething troubles

I'm back to school today, after my Easter Holidays in Beijing.

I woke up with a wobbly front tooth. It's kind of bothersome. Papa says that I am getting a new tooth, and it is waiting come up, but that it usually happens to kids when they are 6 years old. When I got to school, Tyler told me he also had a wobbly tooth.

I kept touching the tooth, and it fell off this afternoon during Baby Gym. Mummy put it in a tissue for me. I washed it and cleaned it when I got home. I want to keep the tooth forever, so I won't put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy.

I'm living with Mummy and Papa and Duncan now. Tonight, Papa and I went back to Grandma's house. Grandma, Sai Gugu, Gugu Big, and the jiejies had all missed me, and Gugus got all emotional. They made a great fuss over me, and I was so happy to see everybody again. I showed them all my tooth, and the gap in my mouth. Gugu said that the tooth fairy will still know to give me $100 :-)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Overdoing it

It was my school friend Pak Hei's birthday party today. McDonald's did the catering. Papa allowed me to drink a whole cup of Coca Cola, and I also helped myself to some Yakult and Ribena to wash down the party snacks I had wolfed down. Then Mummy noticed I suddenly started looking very pale....

sipping a Ribena during the magician's show

Papa rushed to get me out of the room. Just out of sight of the other guests, all that I had eaten and drunk gushed out of my mouth; some got into my nose. Papa caught some of it using an empty cup he grabbed on the way; I felt very yucky. It shows that one can have too much of a good thing. Papa took me to get cleaned up.

Within a few minutes, I was ready to have some 'Happy-birthday-to-you cake'. Papa refused :-(