I'm chuffed to bits at a present given to me by a friend of grandma's: My very first Mercedes Benz sportscar (of many, I hope) revs, runs and stops all automatically when I push the start button. I particularly like the little man who I can pull out from the driver's seat so that I can drive it myself ;-).
This afternoon, Papa and Gugu organised a birthday party for me, and invited all the family, plus Ella and Lulu. They put up balloons, and banners which said 'Happy Birthday Theodore'. Gugu made my chocolate birthday cake herself, decorated it with a bear, chocolate icing, and put one duckie candle on it for me! I'm sooo lucky: not many a child these days has a cake made personally with so much love and care! Gugu also prepared lots of other goodies for me and the guests, so we all had a wonderful time. I love my gugu!
I said goodbye to Papa before he went back to Paris tonight. He gave me a big hug and made me promise that I would be good while he was away.
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