Today, Aggie came over to our house with Darren, Lucy and Ella to see me. Lucy and Ella are both older than me, they showed off singing and dancing to "Just like Jesse James". I'm envious because I can only smile to "Wouldn't it be Loverly".
Grandma has taken me out to meet some of her friends. I must be a real hit as they keep on inviting me back :-)
My arms and fingers are now strong enough to hold my own milk bottle unaided, and I can do proper push-ups. I also exercise my legs all day. I like to try and stand when Papa holds me above his chest. Click here to see my latest workout video :-0.
Whenever we go to the club for swimming, every other day, the ladies there all come over and say googoo to me, and the staff recognise me wherever I go. Wow, I wonder if this is what it's like being a star?
Papa has just bought a new camera and wanted to try it out on me. However, I think it is very complicated to use : he keeps looking rather puzzled and has his head buried in the manual half the time. Occasionally I see a bright flash in my eyes.
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