After enduring 12 hours of labour, I arrived at 4:40 in the morning. The midwife handed me to Mummy immediately. Mummy thought I was ugly because I was covered in blood, but Papa did not agree, and thanked her for a "most beautiful baby" :-).
Although Papa already had a shortlist, he decided to name me only after seeing my face. In the end he chose Theodore. I heard it for the first time when he whispered to me "welcome Theodore Cheung!".
I slept for about 20 minutes on Mummy's belly, the midwife took me (and Papa followed closely to make sure there was no mix-up) to the next room, where I was cleaned and bathed all over, and then given the once-over. I weighed in at 3.24kg, (7 pounds 2 ounces) and measured 50cm. I was given a bracelet marked with my new name :-). As I'm not used to the bright and noisy world, so I've decided to keep my eyes closed for a few days.
Waaaaaaaaaaaa! My name is Teddy!
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