Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fear of flying

I had so much fun last year that I bugged/begged Papa if I could go back to Paris again this year.  Papa made all the arrangements, but I've been anxious for weeks, ever since Papa told me I would be going to France on my own. I was worried, and very much wanted Papa to go with me, but he said he didn't have any holidays left. He told me I would be well looked after by my Mummy's parents. I told Papa, and also Grandma, that I was worried; Gugu told Papa I thought maybe he didn't want to look after me any more.

Papa, Mummy and Duncan took me to the airport, and checked me in before 8 o'clock in the morning. After waiting for a while,  and phoning Grandma to say goodbye for the summer, Mummy and Papa told me to go with a lady dressed in a blue suit, and we said goodbye at the airport gate.

On board the flight, I didn't sleep. So I sat up and watched movies non-stop on the entertainment system (I watched five in total); I had lots of snacks to eat, and three Sprites to drink. Gonggong and Popo were at the airport to meet me when I arrived in Paris.