Friday, October 30, 2009

The bus company

 Papa showed me the letter he received from the bus company about Hibou. It said that they immediately checked their records but found no record of him being handed in. Boo! I hope whoever picked him up is treating him well.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I miss you, Hibou

I'm so sad... I was looking in my box of treasure yesterday. I was very upset when I saw my photograph of Hibou again. I miss him so much. It's been a while, but it still hurts. When Papa came to get me up this morning, I was crying for him. I told Papa I wanted us to go look for him at the bus depot.

Papa promised to write a letter to the bus company.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Human swine flu victim

I have contracted the flu. Papa noticed on Saturday how my whole body was burning hot. He let me play for an hour out in the midday sun (Mad dogs and Englishmen, what?) after judo, and thought I had heatstroke. I had a temperature for two days, so Papa took me to see Dr. Max yesterday. Grandma met up with me at the doctor's surgery, and she also visited me at home, bringing me drinks and a new toy.

The Doc said it's 90% probable that I have the swine flu. I am to visit him again if the fever doesn't go down today, and he will give me Tamiflu. Papa got worried when he found out Tamiflu has some nasty side-effects on children. Fortunately, my temperature went back to normal by the time I woke up. I'll stay at home to rest today. Grandma arrived first think this morning.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I took part in my first judo tournament today. We got up before 8, and Papa took me to the Tseung Kwan O Sports Centre, where it took place. I weighed in and was placed in the A-23 group (meaning under 23kg). After that, it was very boring, and I spent most of my time waiting for my event. Then I got to go on the big mat. I rushed at my opponent, and fought him for the whole 2-minute duration.

The judges declared my opponent the winner. My friend Danelle also lost out in the first round, which was also the semi-final, so she and I shared third place. My teacher, Sensei Ho, was officiating, and he game us our prize medals.