We celebrated Halloween at home and at school. Gugu Big took us to a Pumpkin Festival at the HK Island School last Saturday where I had my picture taken with pumpkins, scarecrow and a ghost. Gugu took me for a ride on a tradition rickshaw, I loved it so much I had four goes! On Halloween day itself, we wore fancy dress to school. I dressed up as a little devil with my hat and pitchfork and my classmates came as an angel, Superman, Spiderman and lots of other characters.
I took the cue from Halloween and decided to adopt some aliases of my own so I can blame another child when I misbehaved. I answered to Marvin (my best friend at school), August and Buddy. The grown-ups were so tickled by this development that I got away with lots of unsociable behaviour.
I bought a pair of trainers recently from a shop in Fa Yuen Street –also
nicknamed Sneakers Street (波鞋街). It was one of many shops there as the
nickname wi...