Sunday, May 22, 2005


It's hot and rainy outside - not very pleasant, so I've not been to play out very much since my last entry. On the one nice day last week, Gugu took me to play golf (see the slideshow). I got back all hot and sweaty, and referred to the droplets as "rain" ;-)

I still go to school every week, and I now have a "best friend" at school called Eugene. I'm very much looking forward to a play-date which Gugu organised with him for me next Monday after school.

I am learning to construct longer sentences of three, four or more words. Yesterday I saw Grandpa sleeping on the sofa, and told him "Yeye room bed". I am still obsessed with balls, but have developed a great interest in "crankies" (cranes) since seeing the Thomas the Tank Engine episode "A Cranky Day". I point them out whenever I see them on roof tops and building sites, which is quite a lot- as there is a lot of construction on route to my favourite destinations;-). Gugu has been so impressed that she went and bought me a Cranky to go with my growing train set.

Whilst Big plans my meals, I get to select the dishes: I like to eat a variety of things :-), but I am still essentially a vegetarian.

Sunday, May 1, 2005

My brother Duncan

The big news last week is that I have a little brother, who was born in Paris Wednesday last week at 8 in the morning. Papa says he is much heavier than me at birth, he weighed in at almost 4kg (8lb 12oz) ! Papa named him 'Duncan' because I like the sound so much. Since then, I sometimes refer to myself as "gege", or big brother in Chinese.

My weight has been stable at 30 lbs, but at 92.5cm, I continue to grown taller. I still enjoy my lie-ins in the morning before getting up for breakfast - I am allowed to wake up slowly and get to practise vocalisation and singing. It's getting warm, so Grandpa couldn't resist giving me another haircut. I will soon be able to go swimming outdoors.

Gugu says I am developing purist tendencies: I don't like mixing up my building blocks of different colours; when given a bowl of vegetables, I like to separate the peas from the corn. I like comparing things and remarking when they are the same. Green locomotive Percy has never been a favourite since Santa gave it to me for Christmas, but when Gugu bought Duck, the two locomotives are both getting some attention because they are the same colour.

I go to the park more and more because it's warmer and because Gugu says I need to run around outside more, and learn to kick a ball. I still have lots of fun around the house: I am mastering my jigsaw puzzles, and enjoy wearing big peoples' shoes. The grown-ups now get angry more often because I'm doing things they thought I grew out of long ago: throwing things, standing up in my chair, emptying cups of water on the floor or carpet. I occasionally throw tantrums too! Thankfully I didn't invent the "terrible twos";-)