Mummy and Papa have just left after spending a few days here with me. I missed them because I haven't seen them in a few months.
While Mummy and Papa were here, I preferring to spend time at home, showing off my newly acquired skills. What started off as short wobbles ended the week as much longer wobbles across half the room. All my toes used to be the same length, but now my big toe is out-growing the others. I figure that since I started walking, my big toe helps to propel me in each step I take.
As the grown-ups have become tired of me making for the kitchen, Grandma decided to install a barrier to stop me from getting in. Without that for a challenge, I like to reach for what's on top of the sideboard and the dining table. Since I have learnt to climb up and get down safely from sofas, I have started climbing the chairs too. From a chair, I can reach for what is ordinarily put out of my reach on the dining table, or on Grandpa's desk :-) Another challenge is climbing out of my bed. My bed is now surrounded by cushions just in case I get the urge to go sleepwalking ;-)
Although I weigh much the same as I have done for a couple of months (11.5kg/25lbs), I have now grown to 79cm in height. This is pretty obvious from my clothes, which seem to have shrunk in size. My appetite is growing, and I now get hungry before my normal meal times, so Grandma has started to add a dessert of fruit compote to the end of each meal which I particularly like:-).
Tonight Mummy and I had a mega-giggle together. They have just gone back to Paris, where I was born. It's supposed to be my home too but I don't remember it any more! I know Mummy and Papa were sad to leave me behind, I saw tears in Mama's eye. They promised to come back to get me soon, so that we can live together as a family again.
I bought a pair of trainers recently from a shop in Fa Yuen Street –also
nicknamed Sneakers Street (波鞋街). It was one of many shops there as the
nickname wi...