Gugu likes to read Wobble Bear to me as she thinks I look like Wobble Bear.
Everyone is horrified that I put everything in my mouth to chewing: chairs, my playpen, my books - poor Thomas & Maisy :-( , shoes if they are left out. Gugu had to put her foot down when I tried to eat the skirting board. It's been so much worse at the moment as I'm growing more teeth near the back, and my gums are sooooo itchy. Apparently, I now have my pre-molars, whatever they are (?)
I have been a lot more active since Gugu arrived from London. I enjoy rushing around here at home, repeatedly climbing the sofa, playing throw and catch with my balls, playing bricks and playing combat underneath the dining table or baby-gym. With all the activity, I now need to eat more. When we were at dim sum yesterday after I'd eaten a big lunch of my own, I still managed to eat two char siu baos - without the char siu :-). Then I had a whole jar of tropical fruit for pudding at dinner. Grandma is thinking to adding fruit to my dinner menu going forward, yummy ;-O