It's been so cold this week, and Grandpa has put the heating on at home. I've been wearing two sweaters at home too. I now wear the moccasins auntie sent from England, which fit me perfectly, and are soft enough to let me feel the floor while climbing around.
Gugu went shopping and came home with a Tweety-Bird, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Tigger and Eeyore to decorate my wall. Papa put them up for me, and I love it now that I have somebody to talk to when I lie awake in my bed.
Chinese new year's day fell on Thursday, and co-incided with Grandpa's birthday! I made a card specially for Grandpa, just like the one I made for Papa last week before I managed to burn my hand on a radiator on New Year's Eve :
I was playing in the living room while the grown-ups were taking their turns eating breakfast. While nobody was looking, I grabbed the radiator panel with my right hand. There are now several big boils on my hand. Luckily there is a doctor in the house (gugu), who gave quality first-aid immediately. I screamed and cried all morning from the pain and the shock. I wore a bandage for 5 days to keep me from breaking the boils and contaminating my injured hand. It's drying up nicely now, and the bandage has been replaced by a glove (a sock in disguise). In the meantime, no swimming until the wounds have healed up properly.
On New Year's day, I got several red packets of lucky money, which made me feel a lot better after the trauma of the day before. On Saturday, Papa and Gugu took me sight-seeing at lunchtime, and then to the fun-fair at dusk. I was taken round in my push-chair. It was extremely busy and noisy, and I enjoyed looking at the people in the bustle. I have never seen so many big soft toys and bright lights before.
Today, I amused Gugu by playing a new musical instrument - I call it the "rubber duckiephone". I found out that I can blow through the hole I created when I bit off duckie's beak, and make a sound.
I bought a pair of trainers recently from a shop in Fa Yuen Street –also
nicknamed Sneakers Street (波鞋街). It was one of many shops there as the
nickname wi...