Wednesday, July 30, 2003

More London

Big Auntie left for Hong Kong today. Auntie and I played a lot together today.

I was bouncing up and down on Auntie's tum and thighs (which I am sure is toning for both of us), and doing my exercises. I am now a very good a shadow swimmer when I'm on my tum!

One thing I won't miss about Big Auntie is the whole water drinking thang. Auntie is trying to encourage a good water drinking habit with water in the morning, water in between meals, water in between grown-up food and milk...Yuck :-/ I prefer to chew the teat/spout. Grandma tries to con me with using the spoon (and bribing me with Papaya puree, yummy!!) and Little Auntie simply tips me on my back and force feeds me :-(

Grandma's house is a lot quieter without Big Auntie, I'm missing her already.

Thursday, July 24, 2003

London, 23 July 2003

After an eventful Tuesday I decided to take things easy today. I slept-in and was full of beans all morning. I chatted to Grandma and Big Auntie, and when I had exhausted them, Little Auntie and I chatted and sang for another half hour.

Grandma and Auntie have been propping me sideways (to help with my exercise amongst other things), but I've been doing my exercises and always end up flat on my back. My favourite is when I'm lying across my bed and giving my legs a good workout against the bars.

Grandma has introduced more solids to my diet. I'm now eating spinach and carrots, both organic and mashed up with rice. Auntie's friend Louise has recommended a lovely cookery book for me, I'm hoping Grandma will try out some of the recipes soon. A big smile and gurgle to you all.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

London, 16 July 2003

Wow! What an exhausting day!

Auntie came over first thing this morning and found me in the middle of my workout... I was lying cross-wise in bed (!!) having worked shoulders, tum and bum so hard that I'd turned 90 degrees. Auntie says she wishes her tummy "crunches" were as effective, she explained that "crunches" were when I raise my head and legs at the same time.

Grandma and Auntie then took me swimming. I was hoping to meet Herbie this week (I met his mum and older brother last week) but they didn't come. Instead we saw two little girls, one 1 year old the other 2, having a private swimming lesson. They were swimming to fetch balls and the older girl disappeared from the surface several times to pick up stuff from the bottom of the pool. Grandma says it take me 15 minutes to relax and really get into the kicking and splashing thing.

I then had my first grown-up hair cut. The pretty lady gave me a certificate! Grandma put me to bed after my afternoon feed but I wasn't tired so I exercised some more. I turned 90 degrees on my back again. I've also been trying to turn onto my side but Auntie won't help me. If I practice some more maybe I'll be able to flip over by the time I see you guys next visit.

Big Auntie, please remember to bring your swimming costume to England so you too can take me swimming. Can't wait to meet you and to share a bathroom with me. Auntie wants to see which of us will make more of a mess :-)

Saturday, July 12, 2003

London, 11 July 2003

I've had a very eventful week. Grandma and Auntie have taken me swimming twice already (we went in my new buggy & I remembered to wear my sun hat), we're going again this w/e. Grandma also took me for a short trip to the Post Office where she applied for a new passport (Why doesn't Grandma have a Passport when even I have one?).... And last night, Great Uncle Frank came to visit little ol' me. I was very flattered by the attention and was on my best behaviour, we chatted and I smiled and gurgled a lot. Great Uncle Frank thought I was smashing and Grandma was very proud of me.

Grandma has done so much for me this week, I've been very good but I'm getting heavier. Auntie took me on the scales today, I now weigh 16.5lbs (7.5kg). When Auntie's been at home we've chatted together and played. My current favourite is sliding on my bottom down Auntie's thighs while she's lying down and onto Auntie's tum. It is such fun, it makes me laugh out loud and screech a lot:-))

Auntie has also made me some delicious apple sauce, I'm eating half a bowl a day (!!). Grandma says my tummy is still too delicate to take Chinese rice so we haven't had any more since Monday. Auntie gave me my final feed at 10.45pm and I was tucked up with Fuzzy in my arms when Big Ben bonged at eleven.

Monday, July 7, 2003

London, 6 July 2003

What an eventful day! Grandpa left for the US this morning but not before helping Grandma with my morning feed. Grandpa tucked me in and I slept for the rest of the morning until Auntie came to say hello. Auntie was on her way to the gym and then go to Sainsbury's to buy yet more nappies for me!

I was a very good for most of the day but the weather was very warm and sticky and I couldn't get comfortable.... Who can get comfortable with the Wimbledon Men's Final, I ask you? Grandma thinks starting on solids might have made me more grumpy than normal as my digestive system was working overtime and still not getting it right (I think it was the organic banana - too much goodness!!). Grandma says we're going to cut down on solids for a couple of days.

Auntie told me she's going to take me out in my new buggy tomorrow. I think she's taking me swimming :-)) Fuzzy Wuzzy gave me a kiss on my forehead and tucked me in bed tonight, I love Fuzzy!!